
all directional中文是什么意思

  • 全定向的



  • 例句与用法
  • All directional hydrophone
  • Abstract : in the paper , the state - of - art of stealth technology is firstly analyzed briefly . it is pointed out that infrared stealth , audio stealth , visual stealth and other stealth technology ought to be developed rapidly besides radar stealth . then , the status of research and application development of stealth technology abroad is introduced . at last , the thesis points out that the features such as wide band , all directional , all - weather , intelligentialized stealth technology and stealgh weapons represent the general trend of stealth development
  • As a sort of modern management tool and means , effective performance appraisal system can make enterprise come to goal , create high performance and become headspring of shape and development of enterprise . so how to establish effective performanc appraisal system become a focus of domestic enterprise . on the basis of analyzing the theory and method of performance appraisal , this article brings forward a new method of performance appraisal - - all directional key performance indicator performance appraisal system . according to analyze the theory of performance appraisal and the method of performance appraisal , this article account for how to establish all directional key performance indicator system . at the end of the paper , account for the practice method of how to establish all directional key performance indicator by case analysis
    本文首先介绍了国内外绩效考评的发展概况、绩效考评的理论体系,并对现代绩效考评方法进行了全面的分析,在对各绩效考评方法的应用优劣比较的基础上,提出了将目标管理( mbo )绩效考评体系、平衡计分卡( bsc )绩效考评体系以及关键绩效指标( kpi )绩效考评体系三者有机结合的全方位关键绩效指标绩效考评体系,并从理论上详细说明了全方位关键绩效指标体系的设计方法,最后结合实际案例讲述了全方位关键绩效指标体系设计的具体操作。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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